

This year we celebrate the third edition of our EferroFoliada, an event to highlight our culture and our language through musical concerts, theater, puppets,… in a rural setting. It takes place in the threshing floor of our workshop in Merza and in an adjoining estate where the main concerts are held. There are activities throughout the day for both adults and children, at the same time they can taste a plate of octopus à la feira, empanadas, tortillas or meat in the caldeiro among other options. We did not forget the drink, as we have the sponsorship of Estrella Galicia and Deleite. This year’s date was last September 14 (it is always celebrated on the second Saturday of September) and we have the performances of As Fabulosas, Fillas de Cassandra, As Rhumorosas, Regueifa with Lupe Blanco and Caruncho, Viravolta puppets, Xabier Díaz and the Adufeiras of Salitre and Os Carunchos. Elena Ferro held a workshop on the souks for the captivated and gave away the book Eu Son Zoqueira that was prepared by the Public Artesanía Foundation of Galicia As a surprise, the young Toxiño performed with his grandmother who amazed the audience with his singing and handling of the tambourine Another of the surprises we had was the entrance to the Folíon de Mormentelos with its drums, colorful costumes and steps, a very beautiful carnival tradition We premiered a mural designed by Davila for our party that was well received. I leave some of the images of this wonderful day! Many thanks to all the people who came to visit us and we hope to see you next year!!




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